
Mall flowers make awful wallflowers. Like this one,

could it ever blend in?

Perhaps at a grand garden party, it could.

But even so, I think it'd stand out, turning buds as it entered - particularly if it glided in with its companion -

On second thought, I think they'd make great wallflowers.

Just imagine them gracing your bedroom wall, vibrantly glowing, even as a print.

So where can you find such beauties?

Why, in the mall.

They are mallflowers, after all.

So beautiful that they spend their lives primped and pampered, to be praised by the public. Just look at that man ogling them.

A few days ago, I drove to meet a friend at the local mall (yes, the same friend of olive fumnif fame), and when I called her to say that I'd arrived, she responded,

"Great! Meet me by the flowers."

Flowers? In the shopping center? Would there really be so many, as to constitute a landmark?

Apparently, yes. At least for that day.

Tables upon tables lined a hallway of the mall, all lined with delicate flowers. I thought these were for sale, initially, but upon closer look, I realized that each had won a brutal floral competition, rising triumphantly to the top of their class.

Much like dog shows, this flower show had an extensive number of extremely specific categories.

Best ball in show, best miniature ball in show, and best pompom in show.

Personally, I'd love to be best pompom.

Can you just imagine that on your resume?

 I enjoyed browsing the tables with my friend because these were flowers that I hadn't seen before.

Sure, I knew about roses, violets, daffodils, and posies, but these blossoms presented fresh faces. Lingeringly familiar, due to their simplicity, but unexpected enough to dazzle you.

Like this star on a stalk.

But even with all these fabulous displays, including a rather relevant one, given the recent earthquake scare on the East Coast -

my favorite flower was none of these.

The decision was difficult.

After strolling past the five or so tables, I did a second round, scouring them, seeking that one entry, which would give me that gut reaction, which would tell me, simply, "Pick me."

I found it.

Here, on this table.

A massive fiery display took the title of "Best Mass Display in Show."

Impressive, yes.

"Best Single," the other fiery flower, seemed to have grabbed the attention of a curious child. Or, perhaps, it broke the heart of a teenager in love, plucky enough to attempt mind-reading, but not plucky enough to continue.

Not plucky enough, in fact, as this flower -

my favorite.

Courageous enough to stand its own, to stand confidently,

to stay bright, upright,

next to neighboring fireworks, earthquakes, stars, and pompoms.

An awful wallflower.

A brazen mallflower.

Which of these is your favorite?


Rachel (tea and chocolate) said... [Reply to comment]

Amazing! All of those flowers look so beautiful. I almost thought they were fake at first haha. I love the pompom ones--very unique!

Meeling said... [Reply to comment]

That's cool...don't think I've ever been to a flower show. There are some amazing varieties.

yv0nne said... [Reply to comment]

So neat. Love beautiful strange flowers the pompom flower :)

Christine said... [Reply to comment]

Those a really beautiful flowers. You're so lucky to have the opportunity to see these. I'm am jealous. >:o


Cinna B. said... [Reply to comment]

Haha, thanks everyone. I agree - the pompoms are a bit like miracles of nature, aren't they? Petals curled so precisely!

Eftychia said... [Reply to comment]

Those flowers are so beautiful!! The photos are excellent! Thanks for sharing.

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